Monday, August 16, 2010

Hennebry Team's anti-public transport rave against rail

The Hennebry Council Team have shown their true colours with their latest attack on the Hamilton-Auckland passenger rail service.

In an empty-headed rant to the Waikato Times editor, the Tania version of the Fighting Hennebrys has tried to drag central Government politics into the local body election campaign by falsely claiming the Hamilton-Auckland passenger train is a Labour Party gimmick.

Many members of the National Party, including Hamilton West MP Tim MacIndoe, have publicly supported the rail service, questioning only its timing – they say it’s a “not if, but when” situation.

The Labour Party had nothing to do with establishing the campaign for the rail service, but they are welcome to support it, and some of its members do.

So also do many thousands of other Hamiltonians, not the least of whom are members of the business community who are forced to waste hours each day in Auckland Motorway traffic jams, not to mention paying a fortune for Auckland parking.

Contrary to Hennebry’s claims, all reports on the potential service to date show that the service would be easily affordable if it received just the normal subsidy buses do at the moment, or rail services do in Auckland and Wellington.

Perhaps Hennebry hasn’t read them, or perhaps she doesn’t believe Hamilton deserves the same public transport support as other major cities?

The Hennebry Team have never supported Hamilton's fast-growing public transport network, trying at various times to:

•cancel Sunday bus services

•cut middle-of-the-day buses

•prevent new bus routes starting

•cut kerbside facilties for bus passengers

•demand large bus fare increases

The Hennebrys that have been elected have NEVER made a positive comment about Hamilton's public transport, so why would anyone expect them to change their spots over a passenger rail service that might help bring the city into the modern age?

Of course, their attitude is hardly surprising when you consider that the "leader" (there's a misnomer if ever there was one) Roger owns seven cars - he's far too busy deciding which one to drive each day without worrying about a good transport system for anyone else!
Written by Dave McPherson and supported by me.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Beware False Prophets

Quelle Horreur! It is time to man the barricades! The House of Hennebry is trying to take over the fair city of Hamilton. From their lofty tower in Horrorfield, self proclaimed King Roger and Queen Jane, along with the Princess Royal, Tania and old man Ken setting himself up as Chancellor of the Exchequer, they are plotting their dastardly plans to take our city back into the Dark Ages.

With their band of court followers they have pledged to keep rates down. Although there is already dissension in the ranks with some supporting the new stadium and others are supporting the rail link to Auckland. It won’t be long before these false prophets will be facing the guillotine in Garden Place.

Keeping rates down is a laudable decree you might say, but what does this mean for the future of our city and region. All responsible councillors have a very wary eye on excessive spending and the ability of all of us to pay.

So what makes the House of Hennebry different?

Are they going to build a moat and a wall around the city to keep growth out? Which spending on essential infrastructure and community wellbeing will be cut? How will our libraries, theatres, sports grounds, parks and gardens fare under this one eyed tyranny? What family silver will be sold to reduce the debt and how many jobs will be lost to ensure rates are kept down to the rate of inflation.

We have seen this before throughout our fair land when former fiefdoms went for zero rates increases and since then we have all been paying for this silly vote catching nonsense.

Our city needs independent, strategic thinkers who really care about our city and region and will not jeopardise our region’s future by only caring about cutting rates. People who do not only think of short term gain for long term pain just to get themselves elected. Honesty, integrity, strong leadership and prudent management are the qualities needed in our leaders.

The House of Hennebry has shown none of these qualities but thinks we, the peasants, are so gullible we cannot see through this strategy to get a bunch of self serving, power seeking and inexperienced people to take over our city and region.

Remember City Vision and the havoc they caused in their one term and are still causing through a District Plan that has allowed wholesale development and destruction throughout our city. It is noted with interest the leader of that group is back calling himself the “rates cutter” – more like the Grim Reaper.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hamilton Auckland Passenger Rail Link

Hamilton is the fourth largest city in New Zealand and the closest to Auckland and it is imperative that we work together to reinstate passenger rail services between our two cities. Rail is our future not our past and with the oil crisis we need to get serious about alternatives to the motor car. Our lobby to central government will be even stronger with Auckland standing alongside us. While it is essential to push for a significant trial as soon as possible and tying this to the Rugby World Cup in 2011 would be a great starting point, we also need to continue the lobby for the electrification of the line from Te Rapa right through to Britomart. The new “supercity” of Auckland will soon show us where the support is and we need to enter into discussions as soon as possible with the transport arm of this new entity. The Regional Land Transport Committee of Environment Waikato – the regional council should be the conduit for this and if elected to the regional council I will work with the Campaign for Better Transport, the Regional Land Transport Committee, our local MPs and other agencies to get our passenger rail services back on track.